Doing an independent research project gives you the opportunity to explore your curiosity. Hypothesis testing is not just a method for doing science, it is a skill that can be used in everyday life.
Would you like to pursue an as yet unanswered questions through research? Would you like to master some lab techniques? Gain experience in reading and writing about science? Join a collaborative team of scientists both here at Trinity and at the University of Arizona? Spend part of the summer at the University of Arizona learning confocal microscopy?
The Williams lab has summer research positions funded by the NSF as well as research for credit during the semester (Bio 425) available to students.
See the research projects page for an overview of our work. Techniques you might learn include: PCR and cloning, injection of beetle embryos, confocal microscopy (UArizona only), analyzing confocal movies by tracing cell movements, and knocking down gene expression using RNA interference.
If you are interested in research or just interested in talking more about what we do, email me at or drop by the lab in LSC 232.